AMBER DEVELOPMENT offers a wide range of customized services for improvement of Projects and Operations in Bauxite & Alumina Business relying on an outstanding Team of Bauxite & Alumina Specialists with a worldwide large experience.
The ambition of AMBER DEVELOPMENT is to provide a unique quality of services to the Bauxite and Alumina Industry through a wide and in-depth experience in this area.
AMBER DEVELOPMENT 公司为铝土矿和氧化铝行业的项目及运营改进提供广泛的定制化服务。 我们有一支杰出的铝土矿及氧化铝专家团队,团队成员在世界各地有丰富的经验。
AMBER DEVELOPMENT公司的目标是运用该领域广泛而深入的经验,为铝土矿和氧化铝行业提供质量独特的服务。